International Services
In today's economy, where business is transacted on a global platform, employees at Corporate Head Office and employees on foreign assignment need to be assured that they are part of a team that provides consistency in the delivery of benefits and compensation. We are committed to ensuring your success in the development of a Human Resource strategy and policy that allows a seamless transfer of risk protection and Health and Welfare coverage to all employees regardless of their geographic location. The international scope of our practice gives us valuable insight into the social programs, customary benefits and market variations, from country to country.
We offer assistance in the identification, assessment and selection of strategic business partners that deliver domestic service and expertise. Our relationships with global insurance vendors allow for the analysis of product offerings that deliver flexibility, portability and affordability. At Hooper International we see employee benefits as an integral part of a company's drive to increase competitiveness and profitability in their quest for a successful global enterprise. Our results oriented approach focuses on the consistent alignment of your organization's business strategy, culture and values with competitive, cost-effective benefit solutions that are valued by employees on international assignment and local nationals alike.
Our International services include:
1 | Country Profiles
Including Regulations, Social Programs and Insurance Rules.
2 | Insurance Procurement
Life, Health and Disability benefit programs for employees and contract professionals on international assignment.
3 | Integration of Benefit Programs
Leveraging Canadian and U.S. domestic benefits to secure favourable underwriting limits on International cover.
4 | Risk Identification and Risk Assessment
This service provides a roadmap for risk to be managed internally or financially transferred to insurance companies. This process may involve self-insurance, stop loss levels, or deductible aggregates.
5 | Marketing Analysis and Plan Implementation
Coordination of existing arrangements or the marketing and development of customized programs.
6 | Multinational Pooling
A multinational company or multi-employer group with operations in several countries can pool risk and administration under one "umbrella" contract to form a "multinational pooling" policy. This pooling arrangement consists of local insurance contracts combined for the purpose of spreading risk while still respecting the cross-culture business arrangements. Rate or premium reductions may be possible due to consolidation of contracts or expansion of programs. Positive pooled experience results in a refund of premium known as an "International Dividend". This form of global administration also allows multinational companies to bypass "tariff" rated insurance schemes, which some countries impose to restrict open competition in their local marketplace.
7 | Expatriate Insurance
Flexible and cost effective programs incorporating valuable benefits for employees planning on working out of country for an extended period of time.